只离开一个学期(不包括夏季)的学生将保留他们的帐户. 移除货舱, 与注册办公室联系,提供最新的地址和任何转学信息. 一旦所有问题解决,就可以进行注册. 不需要返校学生申请.
- 点击右上角的“Sign In”开始.
- 阅读首页, 查看您想要的任何资源链接, 然后点击页面底部的“继续”.
- 注意并处理所列的所有货舱. 处理完所有hold后,可以继续下一步.
- 选择注册期限,并注意您的注册时间框架的开始日期.
- 点击“select”展开“campus”部分. 选择你想要上课的校园,如下所示:
- 输入课程编号和科目(例如. engl111),标题(例. 英语作文), 或教师姓名,并点击您想添加到您的时间表的课程.
- 继续搜索课程,直到你选择了所有你想选的课程.
- Page through the results and once you have found a schedule you are interested in either save the schedule as a favorite (prior to your registration opening) or register for the 课程s.
- For information on how to narrow your search results and used advanced search features click on the 缩小时间表结果 section.
- Once you have found a schedule you would like to save for later scroll to the 'Save as Favorite button' 看到下面 and click the pencil icon next to your favorite to name for easier retrieval later.
- To access these on your registration date find the maroon bar on the right-hand side of your screen that says favorite and click the box to expand section.
- 通过单击栗色箭头单击要注册的日程安排. 这将填充您的日程安排到屏幕的中间. 滚动到页面底部,单击“继续注册”进行注册.
- Once you have found a schedule you would like to register for click the 'Continue to Registration' button 看到下面
- 你的课程表会在每门课程旁边显示“网上注册”. 点击“提交行动”注册这些课程,如下所示
- After this is submitted the 页面 will tell you if the registration was successful or if a 课程 was unable to be added due to one of the following reasons: full/missing a 先决条件/ missing a 并修课程/ missing instructor permission/ etc. 如我们所见。 错误消息示例.
- If you find a 课程 section that you want to take and you wish not to see any other sections you can 销 the 课程 as 看到下面
- 这仍然消除了出现在日程表结果中的所有其他部分.
- 点击“选择课程”栏中的“高级搜索”,按基本学习类别进行搜索. Be sure to select 'Section Level' in the search level section in order to open up the essential learning categories as 看到下面:
- 单击搜索,将显示符合此类别的所有课程. 一旦你选择了你感兴趣的课程,点击课程旁边的复选框, 点击“添加选定课程”, 这门课现在会出现在你们的课程表上
- To add personal time for practices or work time you can click on the calendar to the right and darken times that you would not like to have class.
- You can also click the 'Add Personal Times' button and type in timeframes such at Friday 2-9pm as 看到下面. 满足这些时间限制的时间表将出现在结果的开头.
- 如果你想缩小你的结果为一个特定的课程,只有第一个mod, 第二个模, 在线, 在人, or if you have a specific section you'd like to register for you can narrow this down by expanding the 课程 as 看到下面 and checking and unchecking boxes.
- If you would like to narrow your results by instructional methods you can expand the 'Instructional Methods' section under the 'Campuses' section as 看到下面. Simply check or un-check instructional methods you would like to see results for or see no results for.
- 如果你有时间偏好,比如课程大多在上午, 更多在校时间, 课程大多在周二和周四,你可以按时间框架搜索.
- 为此,展开按部分排序,如下所示,并选择您的首选项..
- 而结果的数量不会总是改变在你的屏幕顶部, 如果您单击最后一个结果箭头,如下所示
- An informational screen will appear explaining what number of the results meet your time preferences as 看到下面
- 首先点击您想要丢弃的课程旁边的垃圾桶图标,如下所示
- 接下来点击页面底部的“继续注册”,开始删除课程.
- Now your current schedule will appear and next to the 课程 you are drop销g you will see the words 'Web Drop Course' in the options column as 看到下面
- 点击“Submit Action”删除课程. 现在,“已删除”将出现在结果列中,此课程已成功删除 as 看到下面.
- Click 'Return to 'Select Courses' to go back to your schedule and the 课程 you dropped will no longer appear.
- 首先,通过点击您想要交换的课程,将课程从您的时间表中取消. 大头针应该消失,如下所示
- Next 页面 through until you find the section you are wanting to 交换 and click 'Continue to Registration'
- The 课程 will appear with the options to web drop your originally registered 课程 and web register for the 课程 you have just selected as 看到下面
- 如果您想继续执行此操作,请单击“提交操作”。
- Click 'Return to 'Select Courses' to go back to your schedule and the 课程 you dropped will no longer appear but the new section will appear in its place.
- 当添加带有实验室的类时, 在点击“继续注册”之前,请确保同时点击课程和实验室。.
- 请查看 重要的日子 添加、删除和撤回截止日期页面.
- 联系虹膜以获得进一步的帮助.
- When registering for classes instead of 'Web Registered' you will see the option of 'Waitlist' as 看到下面
- If you would like to waitlist for the 课程 click 'Submit Action' and you will be waitlisted for the 课程 as 看到下面
- 检查你的时间表,确保你已经被列入了课程的候补名单.
重要的是: 一旦候选人, it is your responsibility to check your pp电子极速糖果 e-mail for notification when the class opens. 如果你是候补名单上的第一名,系统会在10分钟内给你发一封电子邮件. 在第一周上课之前,你将有72小时的时间来添加课程. 上课前一周,时间限制降至48小时. 一旦开始上课,你只有24小时可以添加. 如果你不采取行动, 你将被从等候名单中除名,座位将被提供给名单上的下一个人. 有时你可能会收到邮件,但这门课在此期间已经结束了. 这可能是由于修正, 行政处理, 一名教师签了名, 或者你的时间限制已经过期了. 在这些情况下, 您将需要重新将自己添加到等待名单中或联系注册办公室以获得选择.
在寒暑假期间, the 注册处 reserves the right to process the waitlist as needed to assist with enrollment. 在第一天上课之前, it is your responsibility to check your schedule to make sure you are enrolled in the 课程s you desire.
有实验室的课程 - The 注册处 processes all waitlists for classes with labs due to complications when only one of the two classes opens. The open spaces are given to the first person that can successfully register for both the class and lab. 课程开始前的周五,候补名单将被清除,以最好地确保公开课程的填满. 要在第一周报名参加有实验的课程,学生可以从开放部分中选择.
通过添加或等待课程,您有责任支付任何新的学费. 有关付款/账单的详细信息,请联系虹膜.
- 单击 “登入注册” 按钮,单击“登录”,然后选择您的术语.
- 现在应该出现您的日程安排.
- 在您收到候补名单通知的课程旁边, 点击下图的垃圾桶按钮:
- 您应该会看到下面的消息,表明课程尚未被删除:
- 现在点击 “继续注册” 看到下面
- 你应该看到一个屏幕, 如下图所示, 你的候选课程和选项标题下的下拉菜单. 在下拉菜单中选择“网络注册',然后点击'提交操作.这将把这门课添加到你的课程表中.
- Please be sure to double check your schedule in the ‘Register for Classes’ application in MavZone to ensure you were successfully added to the 课程.
学生有责任在网站上公布的截止日期前退学或退课 重要的日子 页面.
- 下降: 在退课截止日期之前,该课程不会出现在学生的成绩单上. A student's tuition and 课程 费用 will be adjusted to reflect the 课程s remaining in the schedule. 放弃所有课程将导致225美元的部分学费评估.
- 撤销: 在退课截止日期之后,学生可以在课程进行到一半的时候退课. A withdraw will be denoted on the transcript with a grade of "W" and will not be used in any GPA calculations. 学生须承担全部学费和课程费用.
- 撤回截止日期后: 分数为F将被分配并公布在成绩单上. 学生须承担全部学费和课程费用.
- 首先点击你想放弃的课程旁边的垃圾桶图标.
- 接下来点击页面底部的“继续注册”,开始删除课程.
- Now your current schedule will appear and next to the 课程 you are drop销g you will see the words 'Web Drop Course' in the options column.
- 点击“Submit Action”删除课程. 现在,“已删除”将出现在结果列中,此课程已成功删除.
- Click 'Return to 'Select Courses' to go back to your schedule and the 课程 you dropped will no longer appear.
如果存在阻碍或技术障碍,请使用 特殊掉落课程 form.
- 点击右上角的“Sign In”开始.
- 点击页面底部的“继续”.
- 任何阻塞注册的保持都会出现在这里. 所有注册阻塞必须在注册前清除.
用于添加同一课程的两个部分,例如两个BIOL 396主题课程. 它只能用于毕业前允许多次实例的课程.
用来调整学生一学期的最高学分. 根据需要,它将被发送给顾问和其他人进行批准.
Creates an email to the instructor(or processing office) for common registration errors such as: instructor permission, 先决条件, 并修课程, 封闭的类, 类级别限制, 以及专业/部门的限制. 审核完成后,将向学生发送一封带有批准或拒绝的电子邮件. 如果获得批准,学生将需要登录MAVzone注册来添加课程.
用于同时添加两道菜. 学生有责任与老师安排出勤和考试.
用于在后期添加期间添加课程, 哪个是在课程开始到发布的添加截止日期之后. 学生必须在提交表格之前解决注册问题. The form will route to the instructor and if approved it would be routed to a registration processor. 如果被讲师拒绝或由于等待,您将通过CMU的电子邮件收到回复.
- 从MAVzone,点击“注册类”应用程序.
- 接下来单击“查看过去” & 当前时间”
- 选择当前术语,然后将出现三个查看选项
- 查找时间表 view -显示CRN, 课程, 分段号, 还有标题, 学分, 这是学期的一部分. To print this view click the print icon in the right hand corner of the screen to print your schedule.
- 时间表 查看-以周日历格式显示您的日程安排. 有些课程如果不在指定的周内上课,可能不会出现. 如果需要,调整日期范围.
- 计划的细节 -显示与查找时间表相同的信息以及更多. 例如日期、时间和会议室信息.